Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian organization that places emphasis on marriage and parenthood, has purchased an ad spot featuring Tim Tebow that will air on Super Bowl Sunday on Feb. 7th and some say the ad’s message is bound to spark controversy.
The Associated Press reported this week that the ad’s theme will be “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life,” with Pam Tebow sharing the story of her difficult 1987 pregnancy — instead of getting an abortion she decided to give birth to Tebow, the now-famous quarterback who went on to become a Heisman Trophy winner, leading the Gators to two BCS wins.
Gary Schneeberger, Focus on the Family spokesman, told ABC News he couldn’t comment on the content of the ad. However, he said his organization has always viewed the Tebows as “strong, committed Christians” who have inspirational family stories to tell. ... Read More